Bellows repairs and installations should be well prepared in advance so that the downtime and installation schedules remain in check. Well-timed in-service bellows mapping with thermal camera analysis helps with downtime planning and can significantly shorten downtime when you know what needs to be done. Total costs are also better controlled when possible frame repairs can be predicted.

We use a thermal camera with analysis software, which makes it possible to photograph difficult-to-detect heat leaks in the ductwork in the vicinity of the bellows. Often at the point when the fabric bellows start to show signs of damage, the masonry, insulation or metal parts of the duct have already broken. Leak points located with a thermal camera can be checked more closely during downtime and the extent of the repair work defined

Take contact and agree with us on the date of the expansion joint inspection on site!


As the plants have aged, the repair of corrosion damage has become an increasingly large part of the maintenance of expansion joints. The expansion joint forms a gap in the insulation, which can cause the gas passing through the duct to condense. In general, the failure of the bellows is detected in time before the operation of the plant is disrupted, and the bellows can be replaced in a planned way during the next downtime. However, corrosion damage to the metal frame of the bellows and the surrounding duct often complicates the repair work and causes delays in the schedule. As a new service, Compentek also offers an assessment of the condition of the ducts in connection with the expansion joint inspection. Spare part made in a metal workshop are significantly cheaper and often also technically better than hastily made repairs on site.

Take connection and agree with us on the date of the duct inspection!


Our experienced team of industrial maintenance professionals and our comprehensive subcontracting network carry out all installations for you. So you get inspections, design, manufacturin and installation services under the same roof, which keeps schedules and costs under control.

  • Do you need help with installations abroad?

  • For installations abroad, we also use EagleBurgmann's global network at competitive costs.


We are a partner of industrial equipment suppliers. We design custom-made sealing and insulation solutions for demanding, especially hot locations. We implement the components in our own factory as part manufacturing.

Contact us and we’ll tell you more!


Mailing and delivery address:


Sulantie 22 04300 TUUSULA, FINLAND

+358 (0) 400 300 200

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